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Mensaje por ZidelblacK Sáb 21 Mayo 2011, 10:40 pm

One piece [651] OPLogo

Última edición por Zerocartoo el Miér 01 Jun 2011, 9:03 pm, editado 10 veces

Mensajes : 1064
Puntos RSA : 15941
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Fecha de inscripción : 05/05/2011
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One piece [651] Empty One Piece 626 VR Ingles

Mensaje por ZidelblacK Miér 25 Mayo 2011, 8:16 pm

Aunq ya salio el cap como q veo la seccion olvidada asi q aki dejo el spoiler xD:

El Tenryuubito aparece gravemete herido, pero viene a reclamar a los esclavos que Jinbe ha liberado, ya que los gyojin buscan asesinarlos, sin embargo los gyojin toman sus armas y furiosos, comienzan a disparar. Otohime, por supuesto, interviene en el fuego, recibe las cargas y pide que se detengan, que depongan armas. Niños miran la perturbadora escena, mientras Jinbe finalmente aparece en escena.

Shirahoshi le pregunta a Fukaboshi si es él realmente un TEnryuubito, pero su hermano le responde que es un humano.

Los Gyojin no lo piensan dos veces, apuntan sus armas hacia la Reina Otohime y la cuestionan, ¿por qué salvar a un Tenryuubito?. La respuesta de la reina es clara, los niños no deben aprender a odiar, esta escena es una mala lección, incorrecta. Jinbe recuerda entonces las palabras de Tiger en su lecho de muerte. El Tenryuubito toma un arma y apunta a la reina.

Shirahoshi llora, y sus fuertes lloriqueos hace mover las aguas, creando olas que atráen a los Reyes del Mar. Los Gyojin y el Tenryuubito observan la escena asombrados, pero al final los Reyes del Mar se marchan. Aquí nace la leyenda de los llanos de la Princesa Ningyo que es capaz de controlar a los Reyes del Mar.

Vander Decken observa la gestación de la leyenda y decida que será él quien se case con Shirahoshi.

El Tenryuubito pierde el conocimiento y desmaya. La Reina Otohime le pide a la gente que cuiden de él y así pasa el suficiente tiempo para verlo recuperarse y jurar venganza, que hará pagar a los Gyojin que han apuntado sus armas a su persona. Los Gyojin no desean dejar ir de la isla al Tenryuubito, pero la Reina Otohime dice que lo acompañará en persona, aún frente a los inútiles intentos de Neptune, que no consigue detenerla.

Una semana después, Otohime regrsa, con un papel en sus manos..

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La Reina Otohime ha vuelto a ganar apoyo, todo gracias a la hoja firmada por los Tenryuubito, prueba de amistad entre humanos y gyojin. Son demasiadas firmas, Otohime parece satisfecha.

Sobre la leyenda de la Princesa Ningyo, se dice que nace una vez cada cien años, pero es capaz de empatizar con los Reyes del Mar. Shirahoshi es una de las princesas de quien habla la profesía, su aparición será capaz de crear un cambio en el mundo, con sus poderes, manejados por el bien, podrá salvar a miles de personas, con amor y compasión.. o manejados por el mar, podrían significar el fin del mundo.

Otohime sabe de este riesgo, así que pide a sus hijos proteger a su hermana, con sus vidas si es necesario, como guerreros y hermanos, para evitar que la princesa pueda perder el control algún día.

Llega el día de la partida. Las hojas, llenas de firmas, son quemadas, después un balazo se escucha. La princesa Otohime ha sido atacada, está falleciendo, su asesino es un misterio por ahora, sin embargo, sus hijos prometen, con lágrimas en los ojos, que mkantendrán su promesa. Fukaboshi lo dice a su madre, mientras comienza a llorar, Otohime le recuerda que no deben llenarse de odio, no importa el culpable "¡Ya casi estamos allí.. ya casi estamos bajo el verdadero sol..!".

Shirahoshi y los tres príncipes se comprometen a mantener su promesa, estrechan sus dedeos meñiques, mientras en medio del caos y la muerte, Van der Decken toca a la Princesa Shirahoshi. Shirahoshi mira morir a su madre y parece perder el control, pero Ryuuboshi y Manboshi tratan de entretenerla bailando y cantando.

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Mensajes : 1064
Puntos RSA : 15941
Reputación : 39
Fecha de inscripción : 05/05/2011
Localización : Peru

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 25 Mayo 2011, 8:24 pm


Mensajes : 878
Puntos RSA : 15648
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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
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Mensaje por hunter10000 Dom 29 Mayo 2011, 11:37 am


alguien duda que shirahoshi sera la nueva nakama? no tengo dudas de ello..

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 01 Jun 2011, 6:19 am

aohige escribió:Chapter 627: You have my gratitude
coverart: Baratie Linked Hotplate Ship Nasugashira (Karne's ship, the head of the ship is Sanji's wanted picture face lol)

The assassin was caught by Hodi. It was a pirate.
Jinbe tells him to hide the fact, but Hodi declares to everyone that the captured murderer was a human
The king sulks into the Hardshelled tower in grief, and cannot forgive (himself? the assassin? T doens't say)
He says even if he didn't have a weapon, he would have killed him
During Otohime's funeral, the three princes come on the tv screen and swears to inherit the queen's will

Flashback over

Jinbe tells everything to Luffy and co, and says he'll face any punishment
But Nami forgives him, Jinbe cries
Jinbe: I don't deserve such generous words...!! You have my gratitude....
Franky cries as well. Luffy was asleep the whole talk (lol)
Apparently he fell asleep around the part Otohime caught the robber (at the start)

Shirahoshi chats with Nami, even though they've never met each other before, she feels comfortable talking to her
Nami answers that it maybe becuase their situation is similar

Jinbe starts talking about the current development, and Hachi tells them of Hodi's plans.
Hodi never let Jinbe on in his secret plans

From the Forest of Sea appears a giant video-denden snail, and broadcasts Hodi
Hodi: Hello, denizens of Fishman Island.... can you hear me? I am... the captain of New Fishman Pirates from the Fishman District, Hodi Jones!

Chapter end
Break next week

Mensajes : 878
Puntos RSA : 15648
Reputación : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
Localización : Lima

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 01 Jun 2011, 9:11 am



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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 01 Jun 2011, 12:38 pm


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Puntos RSA : 15648
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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
Localización : Lima

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 01 Jun 2011, 9:00 pm


GoteiKonoha Online

Eko-Fan Online

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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 08 Jun 2011, 3:01 pm

No hay manga esta semana por si acaso.

Mensajes : 878
Puntos RSA : 15648
Reputación : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
Localización : Lima

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 15 Jun 2011, 9:49 am


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Mensaje por zerocartoo Sáb 18 Jun 2011, 4:31 pm


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Puntos RSA : 15648
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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
Localización : Lima

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 22 Jun 2011, 10:23 am


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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 29 Jun 2011, 6:09 am

Edward Newgate escribió:coverstory vol.15 Logue Town (The sword merchant who gave Zoro the katana is putting up a poster of Zoro in the bathing room)

Dosun has been captured by Fukaboshi.
Due to heavy injury he recieved from fighting Fukaboshi, his "-dosun" speech is powerd down to "-kotsun" lol
Fukaboshi and others head to the square. Dosun's speech patterns change depending on how much power he has left.
A New Fishman Pirate throws a ES pill in Dosun's mouth

At first he was speaking with the residents weakly, but his speech pattern starts changing
kotsun -> potsun -> tosun -> dosun -> dokan
He then rips apart the chain holding him with "-bokan", then "zugaan!"
He destroys a house with the hammer he had.
Dosun heads to the square as well

In front of the Fishman Cultural Center, a drunken Hyozou is seen
When drunk, Hyozo slashes people up with no discrimination, and slices up many NFP crew that came to sober him
"Aw... yah.... imma lice up neuyun's hamily" (Oh yeah... I'm gonna go slice up Neptune's family!)
"nawaiamgnnagosheeemin(incoherent babbling continues)"
New Fishman Pirates: I can't understand a lick of what he's saying!!

Marine Shopping Mall
Zeo is fighting with the residents. They can't tell where Zeo is attacking from
Zeo: What can you possibly do now... it's meaningless. If there's any hope for you left, it's the Neptune brothers... but they will be dead soon enough.
The fishmen can't find Zeo, so they look for him. They find somethign that looks like a roach, and they smash it to bits
Zeo's voice stops. Zeo, apparently invisible to them, was taking all the abuse (to the roach) LOL. He's all beat up.
Zeo starts talking like nothing happened (He calls himself a nobility of Fishmen)
He heads to the square

Fukaboshi holds a meeting while headig to the square. He doesn't feel enimity from the Straw Hat pirates.

Gyoverly Hills
A Sea monster, "Sea Bear" attacks the palace soldiers, and they are near death
The pirates use fire to put an end to them
Ikarosmuhhi sees the fire and screams! GYAAAA!!!! he bends his body over in terror
He tells them to put out the fire, and the pirates asks him what about the flame is bothering him
Ikaros: You're gonna barbecue me to a Surume (grilled Squid)....
NFP: No we won't, you idiot!
Ikaros: If you planned to make me a booze munchie.... be warned, I'll take your life
NFP: Never even thought about it, you idiot!

Apparently Ikaros is traumatized by a King-squid friend who got too close to the sun, and became a giant surume.
He stabs one of his men with his grilled squid spear.
(The spears are grilled squids who sucks out all the water out of its victim, in attempt to revert back to a living squid)
He looks up, and sees Hodi & others riding a sea monster. (King Neptune is with him)

He asks what's wrong with Hodi
Hodi keeps taking pills to ease the pain he recieved from Zoro, and the side effects of the pills are starting to bring tremendous pain to Hodi, nearly tearing him apart
He screams out in pain, and it frightens the Sea Bear and other sea monsters.
Hodi gets up... (you only see his arm in the panel)

End of chapter

This should have been named Chapter 630: New Fishmen Pirates are Idiots.

Mensajes : 878
Puntos RSA : 15648
Reputación : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
Localización : Lima

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 29 Jun 2011, 6:11 am

Correcciones por T

282 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2011/06/29(水) 14:42:39.01 発信元:
Zeo was beaten up by his own Fishmen (who can't see him)
286 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2011/06/29(水) 14:47:30.41 発信元:
透明になって地面をかさかさしてたらゴキブリか何かと間違えられて仲間の魚人に金棒で殴られた 。
Zeo was crawling around on the ground invisible, and his own men thought it's a giant roach or something, and pummeled it with metal clubs.
291 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. :2011/06/29(水) 14:53:02.60 発信元: ああああああタイトル盛大に間違えた!!!!
Chapter title is wrong. It's:
Chapter 630: Going on Rampage
T tambien menciona que HunterxHunter regresa en Agosto...

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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 29 Jun 2011, 7:40 am


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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 29 Jun 2011, 2:33 pm


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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 06 Jul 2011, 7:27 am


aohige escribió:Suddenly Decken appears with a weird look
My heart is broken, so I shaved head! (He only shaved the top lol)
Although it means very little as he wears a hat.
He finds Luffy to be an obstacle, and laughs as he tells others he thought up a good idea (to get rid of him)

In Gyoverly Hills, Neptune Army is decimated by the sea monsters
At Gyoncord Plaza, all the Hodi's men gather. Hodi is white haired now, and his body is a bit larger. Looks like he's fully awakened in power.
At the plaza Neptune soldiers fall in front of the sea monsters. One of them attempts to suicide bomb to take out one of the lieutenants, but Hodi stops him with a water attack Gekisui.
That attack goes through many buildings, and even reaches the Mermaid Inlet 150km away.

The three princes arrive at the Plaza. They take out the sea monsters
The lieutenants use ES pills to dope up, to fight the three.
Jinbe and Megalo head to the Plaza with Shirahoshi.

Editorial: Wait, where's Luffy!?

End of chapter

edwardneagate escribió:
430 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2011/07/06(水) 18:43:53.32 発信元:

I skipped most of the later half.
The three brothers strike with their moves!


I checked over and over, and the water that flew did travel 150km. Unless they printed wrong.

I wonder if the long-haired person who we see the back is Yorki.
Long haired, and white. Wearing a striped cape.
The kasa hat is like Oars, and tip is square. The tip of the cone is black
Behind them is Laboon opening his mouth wide. "

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Puntos RSA : 14346
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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 06 Jul 2011, 9:40 am

One piece [651] HKXRX

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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 06 Jul 2011, 9:47 am


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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 06 Jul 2011, 9:49 am


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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
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Mensaje por hunter10000 Sáb 09 Jul 2011, 2:09 pm



cap leido.. al fin se esta poniendo buena esta saga
al fin hody tiene una aparecia decente.

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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Mar 12 Jul 2011, 10:24 am


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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
Localización : Lima

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 20 Jul 2011, 3:23 am


Mangazone Online
Mangastream Online


GoteiKonoha Online
Eko-Fan Online

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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Miér 20 Jul 2011, 9:56 am

No hay manga esta semana nose

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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 27 Jul 2011, 5:41 am

coverstory: Island of Giants "Little Garden" Dorry and Broggy are still fighting.

The reason why Shirahoshi knew the perpetrator was because Megalo saw the whole thing, and told Shirahoshi
She kept it a secret because Hodi may vent his hatred towards someone for it, and her mother would be saddened by it
She followed her mother's last words which was not to hate anyone, and kept it to herself for 10 years
Hodi calls her a fool, and attacks the king and the princes with Yabusame (the water shot)

The fishmen children asks Madame Shirley when the pirate with the hat is coming to destroy the island
"I wish he'd come right now! If he rampages here right now, we'd be in trouble.. but those guys would be in bigger trouble right!?"
The adults who heard those words also wished the pirate would come right now

Hodi tries to finish the king off.
Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama!! Please protect my father!!
Luffy jumps out of Megalo's mouth! He darts towards Hodi, and kicks him.

Luffy: Hurry up, guys!!
Nami appears, and snatches the Tenryuubito's letter (the one Otohime brought back) and the keys to the King and Princes' locks
Robin uses them to release the princes

In the sky is Hoe and the Sunny.
Gaon cannon is shot to take out the fishmen pirates, and Hoe rescues Neptune
This whole attack was pre-planned with Jinbe.
The denizens of Fishman Island asks the strawhat pirtes if they are friends or foes.
Luffy: Friend or Foe...? Well, you decide yourselves!

The straw hat pirates all gather at the plaza. Jinbe gets ready to fight alongside them too!

Chapter end

How Zoro and others got out is probably gonna be revealed later
Franky probably went to save them? Leaving only Jinbe, Shirahoshi, Luffy, and Megalo to head to the plaza at first.
Anyways all of the Straw Hats are there!
The story is picking up in pace!
I'll bring you more info later....

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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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