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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 23 Nov 2011, 1:09 pm


741 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/11/22(火) 22:38:01.91 ID:FdDE6khAP
Tsukishima is finally crushed! Only Ginjou appears to remain. What are his shocking truths?
浦原商店で 寝てる井上 チャド
At Urahara's shop. Inoue and Chad are sleeping.
一心 おちついてきたな…
Isshin: They've settled down...
浦原 …ええ テッサイさん あとは任せます
Urahra: Yes. Tessai-san, I'll leave them to you.
テッサイ はい
Tessai: Yes.
一心 どこ行くんだよ?
Isshin: Where're you going?
浦原 皆サンのところへ
Urahra: To where everyone else is.
一心 加勢か? 俺も行こう
Isshin: Reinforcements? I'll go too.
浦原 いえもう大半の戦いは終わってるでしょうから治療に 一心サンは役立たずなんでここに居 てくだせあい
Urahara: No, The battles are mostly finished and you're no help at healing. Please stay here.
一心 一護の戦いに加勢して早く片付けたほうがいいんじゃねえか でねえと…
Isshin: I think I should hurry up and help at Ichigo's fight to straighten up after him. If I don't...
浦原 銀城空吾から 聞かされてしまう? …いいんスよ いずれは 知る事なんスから
Urahara: He'll hear everything from Ginjou? It's ok. He'll find out sooner or later.

474 beLIEve

イチゴ 俺が… 本当に戦うべき敵…!?
Ichigo: The enemy I should really be fighting...!?
銀城 あア
Ginjou: Yes.
イチゴ …ふざけんなよ お前らのその手の揺さぶりはもう飽きたんだよ
Ichigo: Quit bullshitting! I'm tired of your stalling tactics.
石田 そうだな 形勢が不利と見て驚愕の真実ってやつを提示して心理的に圧迫し ”だから自分 と手を組んだ ほうが得だ”という流れにもっていくのが狙いだ 違うか?
Ishida: That's right. Seeing you're at a disadvantage you present "shocking truths" to pressure him psychologically into joining forces with you. Isn't that right?
銀城 形勢が不利だと?どこを見てそう言ってる?悪りイが今の俺はお前等2人相手でも十分勝て る ためしに 後ろから撃ってみろ しゃべりながらでも弾いてやる
Ginjou: A disadvantage? How do you see that? Sorry, but right now I'm enough to handle the two of you. For instance if you attack from behind I can repel it even while I speak to you.
石田 …
銀城 黒崎 お前… 自分が何故代行証を持たされてるか知ってるか?
Ginjou: Kurosaki...Do you know why you were given the Shinigami badge to hang onto?
石田 (ーー…!)
イチゴ … …どういう意味だ?
Ichigo:...What do you mean?
銀城 …お前は代行証を渡されたときこう言われた筈だ 死神代行がソウルソサエティにとって有 益であると判 断された場合代行証を渡す決まりになっている・と …よく聞け黒崎  そいつは嘘だ
Ginjou:...They should have told you this when you were given the badge. The Shinigami badge is given when you are judged by SS to be useful. Listen up, Kurosaki, that's a lie.
イチゴ !
Ichigo: !
石田 (…そこまでは予測していた ひとつの組織にとって有益が無益が害悪かの判断なんてそう 簡単にできる ものじゃない そして何より問題なのは”有益ならば代行証を渡す”のならば  それ以外だった らどうするの かを 黒崎に教えていないことだ)
Ishida: (...I predicted that much. For a single organization to judge one's usefulness or harmfulness isn't a simple matter. And above all there's the question: if he was given the badge after being deemed useful, why wasn't Kurosaki told what would happen to him if he weren't?
銀城 正確には ソウルソサエティにとって有益か無益かは関係ねえ 有益だろうが無益だろうが  等しく代行 証はわたされる
Ginjou: The truth is, being useful or not is irrelevant. Either way you are given a badge.
石田 (…!!)
Ishida: ..!!
銀城 代行証の正式名称は「死神代行戦闘許可証」 現世での死神ア代行のかつそうを許可する証 明証だ
イチゴ 知ってる
Ginjou: The formal name of the badge is the "Acting Shinigami Agent Combat Permit." It authorizes you as the Acting Shinigami Agent in the real world.
Ichigo: I know that.
銀城 だがお前は今までに その効力を実感したことはあったか?
Ginjou: But up till now have you ever felt its effects?

Ichigo remembers the time he showed the badge to Afro-san.
イチゴ 黒崎イチゴ!死神代行だ!ほれ代行証!
Ichigo: Kurosaki ichigo! Acting Shinigami Agent. Here's my badge!
アフさん 何だそれは!?そんなもの見たことも聞いたこともないわっ!! 
Afro-san: What's that? I've never seen or heard of anything like it!!
イチゴ なんだコレ 全然役に立ねえじゃねえか
Ichigo: What the hell? Is it completely useless?

742 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/11/22(火) 22:38:40.62 ID:FdDE6khAP

イチゴ …代行証には なにか別の役目があるって言いてえのか…
Ichigo:...Then you're saying the Shinigami badge has a special purpose?
銀城 …あア 代行証の役目は 監視と制御だ 代行証のおかげでソウルソサエティは常にお前の 居場所を補足でき 少なくともお前が代行証をそばに置いてるときは お前の霊圧を制御できていた 疑問はな かったのか? 死神の姿ですが昂れば暴走するお前の〇z津が
Ginjou: Yeah. The purpose of the badge is surveillance and governance. Thanks to the badge SS can always know your whereabouts. At least as long as you're near the badge they were able to govern your reiatsu. Didn't you ever suspect? As a shinigami going on a rampage. [TN: There's a typo here so I'm not sure what she means.]
お前が代行証を使ってフルブリングしたとき代行証からお前の霊圧が噴き出したことに フルブリ ングの鍛錬中 に 代行証を通して仲間の声が聞こえたことにー
When you were human you even felt its effects each time. When you used the badge to bring out your reiatsu. During your fullbring training you heard the voice of your nakama through the badge.
代行証はソウルソサエティとの通信装置であり お前の霊圧を吸収し解析し制御するためのもの  お前はソウル ソサエティに監視され
The badge is a communication device with SS. It absorbs your reiatsu, analyses it, and governs it. You are being observed by SS.
You were given the shinigami badge so you could be governed.
違和感を感じなかったわけは無えんだ お前はそれを無意識のうちに押し殺してただけなんだ 戦いを通じてわかりあった相手が
It's not that you didn't have a sense of unease. You were unconsciously crushing it.
It's not that the opponent I understood through fighting is deceiving himself.
お前はそう信じたかっただけなんだよ イチゴ
It's just that you wanted to believe it, ichigo.
教えてやろう この計画の発案者は 浮田十四郎 十三番隊隊長
Let me tell you. This plan's originator was Ukitake Jyuushiro, captain of the 13th division.
護廷十三隊で最も平和を愛する男に 俺たちは嵌められたんだよ イチゴ!!!
The Gotei 13's most peace-loving man is the one who placed us in handcuffs, Ichigo!!

石田 (ホン用にまずいのは そのどれでも無かった場合だ)
Ishida (The truly awful case is none of those mentioned.)

銀城 奴の狙いは俺達を監視し制御しソウルソサエティのための手駒として使い 反抗すれば抹殺 することだ!
Ginjou: His aim was to observe and control us, to use us as soldiers for SS. And to eradicate us if we resist!
石田 (まずいー…)黒崎!!!(こんな真実に今の黒崎が耐えられるわけない!!
Ishida: (Awful...)Kurosaki!!! (Kurosaki won't be able to withstand these kinds of truths the way he is now.)
銀城 そのことをお前以外のソウルソサエティの連中は全員解ってる お前は見殺しにされてんだ よ イチゴ! !
Ginjou: All your colleagues in SS understand. They are all watching, letting you die, Ichigo.
石田 聞くな黒崎!!
Ishida: Don't listen, Kurosaki!!
イチゴ うるせえ!!!
Ichigo: Shut up!!!

イチゴ 卍解
Ichigo: Bankai!
A roar to erase delusions!!

From Ohana

The originator of this plan,
the one who's pulling all the strings, was Ukitake.
Ginjou tells this to Ichigo
It's become interesting!!!!

Mensajes : 160
Puntos RSA : 14331
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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Vie 25 Nov 2011, 6:53 pm


Mensajes : 878
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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
Localización : Lima

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Mensaje por hunter10000 Miér 30 Nov 2011, 7:45 pm

spoiler 475

sheetz escribió:

976 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/11/30(水) 23:22:55.92 ID:isTltidvP
Observed and controlled by 13th Division Captain Ukitake! Ichigo wants to be able to thrust at the truth!
    ルキア …ん…
    レンジ ルキア!!
Renji: Rukia!!
    ルキア …レンジ…
    レンジ 大丈夫かオイ!どっか痛いとこ無えか!!
Renji: Hey, you ok? You're not hurting anywhere, are you?
    ルキア ああ…今右肩が痛いな… (レンジに掴まれてる)
Rukia: Yeah...Right now my right shoulder is hurting...(Renji is grasping her there.)
    棒立ちの ケンパチ 一角 ヒツガヤ びゃくや
Kenpachi, Ikkaku, Hitsugaya, and Byakuya are standing around.
    ルキア イチゴは… まだあの中なのか…?
Rukia: he still in there?
    棒立ちの ケンパチ 一角 ヒツガヤ びゃくや
The captains just stand there.
    ルキア駆け寄り 兄様 何をしておられるのです!あれを破壊して加勢に向かいましょう!
Rukia approaches. "Nii-sama, we can go do something! Let's go break in there and help out!
    ユキオ あーもー もっかい言うの?めんどくさっ あの空間は僕には解除できないし外からも壊すこともできないの!空気読んでよ わかるだろ
Yukio: Didn't I already say? I can't cancel that room and you can't break it from the outside! Feel the atmosphere and you'd understand!
    ルキア (そんな馬鹿な これほどの隊長格が揃って 仮に総攻撃を仕掛けたとして 本当にあの空間を壊せぬか?
Rukia: (That's absurd. With these many captains here, if they were to attack together, would they really be unable to destroy the room?
    信じられぬ 私には あれがそれほど途轍も無い能力だとは 到底思えぬ)
I don't believe that. I don't believe there's an ability like that.)
    それでも棒達 ケンパチ 一角 ヒツガヤ びゃくや
Nonetheless they all just stand there.
    ルキア (何か…理由があるのか…? 今あれを壊すべきでない何か… 一体… 何を待っているのだ…!?)
Rukia: (Is there a reason...? Shouldn't we destroy it now?  Why...what are we waiting for...!?)
The box holding Ichigo distorts.
    ルキア !
Rukia: !
    ユキオ ちょ… なに!?何だよ!? ウソだろ…!あれが壊されるなんて… 中で…中で何が起きてるんだよ…!”
Yukio: Wa...Wha! What's that!? It can't be! It's breaking...Inside...something's happening..!

The black box explodes.
    475 Shades of the Bond

There's a two page depiction of the explosion
Next two pages is Ichigo
    石田 (…卍解…!)
Ishida: (Bankai!)
    ギンシロ …うるせえか 何がうるせえ?俺がうるせえから卍解で一気に俺を殺して黙らせようってか?それでどうなる?もう一回現実から目を逸らすか?
Ginjou: Shut up? Why should I shut up? You go bankai to kill me in a single stroke just to shut me up? Is that how it's going to be? Turning away from the truth once again?
    イチゴ うるせえよ 今のはお前に言ったぜ けどさっきのはお前じゃねえ 石田に言ったんだ
Ichigo: This time it's you I'm telling to shut up, but last time I was talking to Ishida.
977 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/11/30(水) 23:23:20.00 ID:isTltidvP

    石田 (!?)
Ishida: !?
    イチゴ 聞くな黒崎!じゃねえよ うるせえんだよ 余計な心配すんじゃねえ!
Ichigo: You told me, "Don't listen, Kurosaki!" You should shut up--you worry too much!
    石田 黒崎…
Ishida: Kurosaki...
    イチゴ …浮竹さんのいうことがおかしいと 少しも思わなかったんじゃねえんだ…
Ichigo:...It's not that I didn't think there wasn't anything strange with what Ukitake-san said...
    銀城 …なんだと?
    イチゴ けど俺は信じたくなかった 浮竹さんのことを疑いたくなんかなかった だからいつもその事を頭のスミへ追いやってた
Ichigo: But I didn't want to believe. I didn't want to doubt Ukitake-san, so I always forced it into a corner of my brain.
    だけどある時気づいたんだ 俺はなんで浮竹さんを怪しいと思ったんだ?って  浮竹さんは俺なんかよりずっと頭がいい
But I did realize it once. Why was I suspicious of Ukitake-san? Ukitake-san is a lot smarter than me.
    その浮竹さんが本気で俺を騙すつもりだったんなら 絶対に気づかれない手段を取れた筈なんだ
If he was serious about deceiving me, he would have used a means such that I'd never have realized what was going on.
    だけど浮竹さんは ああいう理由で代行証を渡し 俺はその代行証が役目を成さないことにすぐ気付くことになった
However, using that reason when he gave me the badge, I soon understood that the badge didn't have that purpose.
    多分 浮竹さんは 俺に わざと 気付かせたんだ
Perhaps  Ukitake-san intended for me to realize it.
    わざと気づかせて 俺に選ばせてくれた
To let me realize, to allow me to choose.
    銀城 何をだよ?気づいたからって お前に選べる道なんてなかったはずだ
Ginjou: Choose what? After realizing it there's nothing to choose!
    イチゴ 選んださ 俺は自分で 護る道を選んだんだ 俺は力がほしかった ずっとずっといろんな奴らを 護れる力がほしかったんだ
Ichigo: I did choose. By myself, I choose the path to protect. I wanted strength, strength to protect a whole lot of people.
    力をいしなって そのことを思い出してたんだ ルキアが力を求めてた俺に護るちからをくれた
To have the strength of will. I was remembering that, how when I asked for strength to protect Rukia gave it to me.
    みんなが 力を失った俺に力を取り戻させてくれた だから俺は
Everyone gave strength back to me after I had lost it. And so I
    みんなを護って てめえろ戦うんだよ
protect everyone. And why I fight you.
    銀城 …チッ 交渉決裂かよ しょうがねえア! … てめえは殺したくはなかったんだがな
Ginjou: Sheesh...I'm done with negotiations. Too bad!... I didn't want to kill you.

    ――― 卍解

    見開きどーんで 銀城卍解バージョン
Two page spread of Ginjou's bankai.
Going to to the slaughter...!!
The end.

Kaizoku-O Luffy escribió:More Pics:

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lebih007 escribió:

596 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/11/30(水) 15:14:09.85 ID:isTltidvP

Rukia awakens.
The captains are standing around watching the black room Ichigo is in and Rukia wonders if together they could destroy it.

But Ichigo destroys the black room himself.

Yukio is surprised.

Ichigo knew he was betrayed by Ukitake.
"Ukitake-san is way smarter than me.
So he could have stated things a lot differently. In order to purposely have me realize it," something something, etc.

Negotiations breakdown.
Ginjou transforms. The end.

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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Dom 04 Dic 2011, 10:43 pm


Mensajes : 878
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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
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Mensaje por hunter10000 Jue 15 Dic 2011, 4:30 pm

spoiler 476

ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/12/14(水) 17:10:14.03 ID:MQaSp/oRP

Ginjou and Ichigo fight.
Ginjou goes down.
Ichigo and Ginjou stare at each other.
From behind Ichigo Tsukishima comes swinging his sword.
Rukia appears between them. Her chest opens up and Riruka comes out.
Riruka is cut.
Tsukishima says to move away.

リルカ あたしたちは銀城に救ってもらった。銀城を救ったのはあたしたちじゃない
Riruka: "We were saved by Ginjou, but we weren't the ones to save Ginjou.
It's Ichigo...

As a child Tsukishima was sitting alone when shinigami Ginjou comes by.
"So you're alone, too?"



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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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Mensaje por zerocartoo Vie 23 Dic 2011, 1:48 pm


Mensajes : 878
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Fecha de inscripción : 04/05/2011
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Mensaje por hunter10000 Lun 26 Dic 2011, 12:16 pm


From Ohana

Everyone except Ginjou lives.
Riruka wakes up at Urahara's shop.
Inoue cries out of happiness.
リルカ あんた月島のことは?
Riruka: "What do you think of Tsukishima?"
井上 月島さん?誰?
Inoue: "Tsukishima-san? Who's that?"

Tsukishima meets Shishigawara in the forest.
Tsukishima weeps over Ginjou's death.

Jackie meets with Yukio.
At Urahara's shop
イチゴ 他の奴らもさがしたんだけど、お前(リルカ)しか見つからなかった
Ichigo: "I've looked for the other guys but you (Riruka) are the only one I've found.

As Tsukishima carries Shishigawara away
he says, "I'm no longer alone."

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Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2011

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